A Little Bit of Happiness

This bush is interesting because of its scent.  When one passes near, the air is almost “delicious.”  This older couple is gathering some of these blossoms which will find their way into either some tea or as part of a cake.

If you can believe this sign, you can buy happiness.  This is a pastry and cake shop that is found all over the city.  I guess happiness is found in a stomach that has enough food.  One of the questions we ask our students is what they would do if they had a lot of money.  Almost everyone of them will give the answer of inviting all of their friends to a meal of delicious food so that they will be happy.  Of course we all know that they way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

On one of our many long walks we came across this unique kind of work vehicle.  I think Maureen wants to have one.  It’s like an overgrown roto-tiller.  Believe it or not, these vehicles are still being made for use on work sites.  It’s amazing how we continue to find life so interesting here, even though we have “settled in,” and our daily life has become one of routines.   Each day gives us something new to smile about, and that is what happiness is for us.

2 responses to “A Little Bit of Happiness

  1. Well, here comes the first female tractor driver.Nice try!

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